OMV Petrom shareholders approve special dividends of 2.5 billion lei. Yield: 9%
The shareholders of OMV Petrom (stock symbol SNP) approved during the Ordinary General Meeting of July 26, 2022 the directorate's proposal to distribute special dividends due to the company's solid financial position, according to a company press release.

The total gross value of the special dividends to be distributed amounts to over 2.5 billion lei, the yield reaching about 9%. The payment of the dividends will be made starting from September 2, 2022. From this value, gross dividends of approximately 530 million lei will be distributed to the Romanian state, which owns, through the Ministry of Energy, 20.6% of the share capital of OMV Petrom.

On April 27, AGOA approved the distribution of dividends in the gross amount of 1.9 billion lei, for the financial year 2021, payable starting in June. Thus, the total gross value of the dividends granted by OMV Petrom in 2022 amounts to 4.5 billion lei, of which almost 1 billion belongs to the Romanian state.

OMV Petrom, the largest company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, ended the first three months of the year with a profit of 1.75 billion lei, from 573 million lei in the same period last year. Sales increased, meanwhile, from 4.9 billion lei to 12 billion lei in Q1/2022.

SNP shares have risen by 8.7% since the beginning of the year and by 26% in the last 12 months. By comparison, the BET reference index shows developments of minus 6%, respectively plus 2.7% in the same time intervals, according to BVB data. The capitalization of the company exceeds 28 billion lei.


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